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Pre-race warmup/driver swap prep
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Effective immediately, participants in the 2010 GTAL test race can join the RSRadicals Race Server for pre-race practice and pre-swap warmup.

Server will be passworded to match the NDR|GTAL 2010 server for convenience.

You can get the Password from your Team Manager

If you have any questions, feel free to post them here.

Good Luck all!!
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from PaulC2K :And your comparing who with who exactly?
This'll be fair and balanced comparison im sure

you do have a point....heh heh
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from buck77 :yep...

i cant be faster! i think that will be my time for the official qualifying

thats a great time dan!!!

39.22 is currently top time (Weltly...of
Qualifying is Open
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Effective immediately, the [raceway33]qual server is open for qualy attempts for the 2009 Cavalcade Weekend.

Server will be open to all until 23:59 EST Wednesday Oct. 28th.

Please take a minute to read the qualy server rules once you join.

You make make as many qualifying attempts you choose to improve your server PB.
If when you enter server there is someone qualifying, please respect their time on track. Also, if there are several people in server waiting to qualify, please refrain from monopolizing track time.

Good Luck!!!
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
delay is nothin'....just wait till you steer too fast to correct a slide and your momo loses center by 90 degrees.....not fun.
Last edited by z-ro 8, .
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Team RSR 2010 GTAL Skin
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
LFS Username: efexas16
Nickname: SRLTM.Bartusevicius
Car(FZR,FXR,or XRR):

LFS Username: vanrasmus
Nickname: VanRasmus
Car(FZR,FXR,or XRR):

both entered via !rep event in server...please reply here with country and car choice..thanks!!
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Team Name: RSRadicals
Number: 89
z-ro 8, K.Myers USA
StableX,A.Kirshetorte GBR
niels1, N.Mul NLD
Celtic100, S.Lees GBR
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z-ro 8
S2 licensed
spoke with Josh at spdo, results posted in database is almost a sure thing.......
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
LFS Username: JayEyeBee
Nickname: JayBee

(entered via !rep Event in server)
Last edited by z-ro 8, .
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from (The Stig) :United Kingdom so basicly that covers MOST of the UK.

yer a persistant little bugger ain'tcha?
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
can I join late? 230 start will be too early for me.....
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
I guesss today is Fox @ Westhill day?good practice for league race 2nite
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
why not 19:00 a.m.?and I need to know which Greenwich time which you are referring to, so I can tell my witch which hour of the day in which she must 'nt bother me....

and am I allowed to feel thrilled if I don't get a podium? but then again you did say twice we should relax so I guess thrill is not an option....i'm confused.
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z-ro 8
S2 licensed
TVE needs a group hug
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Is it (or can it be) possible when utilizing SpecAfterFinish in Qualifying mode to alter the amount of laps allowed before a driver gets spectated?
As of right now it is one outlap and one hotlap. I would like to be able to make it two hotlaps.
Also have you given any thought to my PM regarding Lap Record notification?
Thanks again for all your hard work.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Qualification Server is now open for practicing qualy attempts.
Be sure to read rules upon server entry.
Please respect other drivers' time on track
Server name is [raceway33]qual
Last edited by z-ro 8, .
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
LFS Username: whisperinghill
Nickname: Bud
Country: USA

(verbal entry verification)
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from buck77 :LFS Username: buck77
Nickname: **Dan Buck
Country: Brazil

is there some specific thing to do with the skins??

Hello and thanks for registering.

No specific skin requirements. Although there has been talk of some people having "halloween" skins.......which would be interesting to see
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
LFS Username: wildfire083
Nickname: DaveO
Country: USA
Car(FZR,FXR,or XRR):

(Entered via server report, please choose car)
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from weltfenster1 :LFS Username: weltfenster1
Nickname: Welty®
Country: Germany

congradulations on your first post noob
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from franky500 :any chance you can open up a ticket so we can go through this in more detail please. Just cant quite see whats stopping you from editing things through the file manager... unles i am mistaking you.

sorry let me clarify, i CAN edit from my desktop, but CANNOT edit from my PDA, which i could do before. will that make a difference?
1st Annual Halloween Festival of Speed
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Oct.30 thru Nov. 1st will host the 2009 Cavalcade Weekend at the [raceway33]GTR server.
Event details include 3 days of race-your-way-in Kyoto Oval racing in slightly restricted GTR's.
Attached are the rules,procedures and format.
Registration is required. You can post your intent to race here, or visit for more information.
Qualifying begins one week prior to event on a separate server, and can be done at your convenience.

Practice is available on server [raceway33]GTR.
Note the are NO safety car periods and NO mandatory pitstops.
Rule regarding identical times has been amended, official qualification times will be strictly by server PB order.
Pending approval, results shall be posted in spdo event database.
Qualification process updated. Check .pdf for Qualy changes.

Please use the following format for registration:
LFS Username:
Car(FZR,FXR,or XRR):

Current Registrants:
[FM]^Brandon (imaquad)
#69 Welty GER (weltfenster1)
-TRR-Rocky7up (rockclan)
Ori (Ori)
[FM]^SmegFirk (Smegfirk)
Oci | T.Iivonen (CrAZySkyPimp)
[FM]^Wild (Wild)
[FM]^GOONiE (major_syphillis)
DaveO (wildfire083)
Maciek S. (macfil)
[OW]Under (Underling)
[AW]Burner (FAburner)
[FM]^Popps (popps258)
DanBuck (buck77)
[FM]^Fras (fras44)
PaRaGliDeR (CalibraV6)
Bud (whisperinghill)
[sT]PALMER (mcpalmer)
JayBee (JayEyeBee)
[AW]SidiousX (SidiousX)
SRLT M.Bartusevicius (efexas16)
VanRasmus (vanrasmus)
[AW]GRIM (5.0GrimReaper)
[AW]KILLFIX (jvione)
SRLT Y.Laprevotte (GreyBull [CHA])
**Lizardfolk (lizardfolk)
s2o2RaGs (vecchioni)
*VIRGIE (virgie)
mk1 (mk1golf)
[AW]Main VR4 (themainvr4)
[AW]88Amped (88reasons)
[AW]Vinny (vinnyv81)
#65|Frogs FR (palan5)
#94 Jean FR (jmari)
OWL@Sabaki (eisbar49)
[FM]^JeffyG (Skydiver173)
SRLT E.Kasperiūnas (oldnavy)
Bosie (Bosie)
Last edited by z-ro 8, .
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from franky500 :ok the extensions are showing as allowed, Can u try that and let me know.

nope, still cannot edit......
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Thank again Franky. You set a fine example